Annual Meeting of ICES Expert Group Chairs

WGCHAIRS provides an opportunity for chairs of all our working groups to get together at the beginning of each year

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Participants share experiences and ideas, co-ordinate work, meet with their steering group, advisory committee and science committee chairs, and highlight any support they need from the ICES network. The meeting also provides participants with updates on developments in the network and their implications, as well as opportunities to identify future science priorities and plans for advisory products.

The activities of the working group are tailored to meet the needs of both new and existing chairs and to help all chairs increase the scope, scale and impact of their work. WGCHAIRS also hosts events for working group chairs at the Annual Science Conference (ASC) and provides a forum to address topics intersessionally.

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