Working Group on Common Ecosystem Reference Points

The group aims at supporting, nationally and internationally, the sound use of marine ecosystem indicators in support to management.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The science of ecosystem indicators has advanced substantially but the determination of reference points is still debated and presently lacking clear management and scientific underpinning. WGCERP works on the development of methodologies to assess the performance of ecosystem indicators and their associated reference points. The aim of WGCERP is to provide guidelines for the use of ecosystem reference points for ecosystem/ecological indicators.
The work of WGCERP is based on a similar initiative for the Pacific region (PICES WG-36) and linked to the work of ICES regional Integrated Assessment groups, the working group on Biodiversity Science (WGBIODIV), the Working Group on Ecosystem Effects of Fishing Activities (WGECO), the Joint OSPAR/HELCOM/ICES Working Group on Seabirds (JWGBIRD), and the Working Group on Comparative Analyses between European Atlantic and Mediterranean marine ecosystems to move towards an Ecosystem-based Approach to Fisheries (WGCOMEDA). WGCERP primarily addresses ICES Scientific Priority 6: developing tools, knowledge and evidence for effective conservation and management​.

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