

Working Group on Acoustic Trawl Data Portal Governance



WGAcousticGovWGAcousticGovTrueElor SeppDSTSG

The WGAcousticGov group was established with the goal of providing a governance framework for the ICES Acoustic Trawl Data Portal for the continued and future development of the portal and to meet the requirements of end users and the wider community.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To achieve the group's goal, the group will use the expertise and knowledge of data providers from existing expert acoustic survey working groups (WGIPS, WGACEGG, WGBIFS, WGIDEEPS) and those involved in the development of acoustic methodology, metadata standards and sampling gear technology and within ICES (WGFAST, WGFTFB) to improve the quality of the product to end users and stakeholders.

As end data users, the input of stock assessment working groups (HAWG, WGHANSA, WGWIDE) is key to delivering a product to suit their needs and the WG will operate through a quarterly online meeting calendar allowing the group to be reactive to user feedback. 

The group will coordinate the development of user guidance and training through workshops and user manuals to encourage Portal use within the ICES community. 

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