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In October 2021, at the 107th statutory meeting of the Council, William (Bill) Karp was elected ICES President for a three-year term (November 2021–October 2024).

​​​William (Bill) Karp, University of Washington, has been active within ICES community since the late 1980s. Presented with ICES Outstanding Achievement Award in 2015, his accomplishments within the organization are many and include chairing expert groups, convening/co-convening a Symposium on Fisheries Acoustics (1987) and two ICES/FAO Symposia on the Collection and Interpretation of Fishery Independent Information (2010, 2014), chairing the Steering Group on Ecosystem Surveys, Science and Technology (2009-2013). Bill has also been instrumental in leading initiatives which developed recommendations for collecting scientific-quality acoustic data from commercial fishing vessels (2007), address challenges in a net zero world (ongoing), and build capacity through transdisciplinary, multi-institutional post graduate education (ongoing). 

We asked the new President what challenges and opportunities lie ahead for our organ​ization:

​​"The coming years will bring many opportunities for ICES, but we will also be faced with challenges as we adapt to a changing world. Our ability to adapt is evident from the way we have responded to changing national priorities, increasing expectations for an ecosystem approach in advisory services, changing and increasing needs for data and information, and our remarkable flexibility in maintaining operations during the pandemic.​

Fully addressing challenges related to inclusion, equity, and diversity will be essential; development of a gender equality plan for ICES and initiation of the Strategic Initiative on the Integration of Early Career Scientists are important first steps. 

As our network grows, through engagement with new partners and strengthened collaboration with existing partners such as PICES, and through our participation in the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, we will see new opportunities for demonstrating our leadership in science and advice and contributing to the shared goals of the decade. Prioritization, best use of available resources, and responsiveness to the changing needs of our member countries and will continue to be essential.​"​​​

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