ICES Awards

Early Career Scientist awards

The early career scientist awards are presented at the ASC for oral and poster presentations.

​​​​​​​These awards emphasize the quality of the presentations and not the career achievements of the early career scientists.

Criteria include:

Oral presentations:​

  • Quality of the presented science: scientific achievement, robustness of approach, innovation, appropriate theoretical–analytical foundation, potential impact of the research.

  • Quality of the Presentation: overall quality of delivery, clear statement of objectives, logical flow of information, findings placed into context with existing knowledge, interpretations supported by findings, clear and easily understood graphics, strengths and weaknesses acknowledged.

  • Responsiveness: clear responses to questions, evidence of a good knowledge base.

Poster presentations

The criteria for oral presentations mostly apply to poster presentations as well. Of additional importance is the overall visual impact and structure/organization of the poster. The poster presentation should have a concise title that grabs the eye, lettering large enough to be clearly read, logical and clear organization, clear graphics, and use minimal text to tell the story.

Identification and eligibility

Theme session chairs (or designees) will identify eligible, high-quality oral and poster presentations in their sessions, providing evaluation, comment, and rankings, as appropriate, to the Selection Committee.

Scientists eligible for the early career scientist awards should be no older than 35 at the time of the ASC. The awardees need not be first-time presenters at an ASC. However, they should not have received a previous early career/young scientist award from ICES. It is assumed that the awardee is the first author and major contributor of the research presented.


The prizes are framed certificates and vouchers ​to be used to cover participation costs in an ICES-sponsored activity, i.e. a training course, EG meeting, symposium, or workshop, but not the ASC. The voucher must be redeemed within 24 months of the award being received.

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​ICES SCICOM Chair Simon Jennings and winner of one of the early career scientist best presentation awards Alice Lapijover at the Annual Science Conference (ASC) 2017 in Fort Lauderdale, USA.

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Early Career Scientist awards

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