
A year of Rising Tides

Early career scientists article collection in ICES Journal of Marine Science celebrates its first anniversary.
Published: 2 May 2023

​​In May 2022, ICES Journal of Marine Science launched a new article collection dedicated to early career marine scientists, Rising tides – voices from the new generation of marine scientists looking at the horizon 2050". The series was developed together with ICES Strategic Initiative on Integration of Early Career Scientists (SIIECS).

Rising Tides gives a platform to the upcoming generation of ocean experts. With the world of marine science constantly evolving, the personal experiences and perspectives of today's early career scientists are bound to differ from those of the previous generations, especially in the context of accelerating climate change and its effects on natural systems.

On 2 May, the collection reaches its first anniversary, and with it, shows the breadth and diversity of its pioneer authors.

The many voices of young ocean professionals

In its original launch and call for papers, the Journal encouraged ECS to “raise their voice" and submit papers on themes they held close to their heart. A year later, more than 60 authors, spread over 6 publications, have answered.

From personal reflections on the deep sea to how to keep up hope as an early climate-impact scientist, to designing guidelines for transdisciplinary research in ocean plastics, Rising Tides has already proven to be the platform for a wide and diverse insight into the minds of young ocean experts.

Something that is clear from the abstracts received so far, is that this new generation has its sights set on the future. “Transdisciplinary", “change", “perspectives", “hope", “challenges": in its first year of existence, Rising Tides has gathered passionate scientists that are deeply involved with the evolution of their field and marine science in general towards a more inclusive, diverse, and collaborative horizon.

Explore the series.

Wish to contribute? Go to call for papers.

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Rising Tides statistics from the first year. Click to enlarge.​​

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A year of Rising Tides

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