
Submit a theme session proposal for ICES ASC 2015

Copenhagen calling!
Published: 20 May 2014

​​​​​​​​​​​​ICES Science Committee now invites theme session proposals for ICES Annual Science Conference (ASC) 2015, which takes place from 21–25 September 2015, in Copenhagen, Denmark.

ICES ASC is an exciting forum at which the international community of marine scientists, professionals, and students share their work through theme-based oral and poster presentations.​​​​

Theme sessions proposers are encouraged to demonstrate linkages between their objectives and the scientific focus of ICES Strategic Plan, particularly integrated ecosystem understanding and integrated ecosystem assessments.

Proposals should be linked to ICES through ICES Science Steering Groups (SSGs), Strategic Initiatives (SIs), ICES action areas (aquaculture and the Arctic) or ICES Advisory Committee​.​​

Submissions can be made using the online form​ and a theme session example is available to help structure your proposalThe deadline for submitting the​​​me session proposals for ICES ASC 2015 is 8 September 2014.

Theme session proposals resulting from meetings or consultations held during ASC 2014​ will also be considered provided they are submitted by midday on 17 September 2014. Unsuccessful proposals from 2013 will not be considered unless they are resubmitted.

ICES Science Committee will select up to eighteen theme sessions for ASC 2015.​​

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​ICES A​SC 2015 takes place 21-25 September in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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Submit a theme session proposal for ICES ASC 2015

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
ICES Secretariat · H. C. Andersens Boulevard 44-46, DK 1553 Copenhagen V, Denmark · Tel: +45 3338 6700 · Fax: +45 3393 4215 · [email protected]
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