
Nominations open for ICES awards

Do you know someone whose scientific contribution to ICES has stood out and deserves to be recognized? Then put them forward for a prestigious ICES award.
Published: 12 February 2015

For this year, ICES Awards Committee is now soliciting nominations for one of the most prestigious accolades: the Outstanding Achievement Award.

Presented annually, the Outstanding Achievement Award recognizes a person whose career has been marked by a continued high level of commitment to excellence in science, research, and leadership. The nominee will have made contributions to ICES in the field of marine science or management over a period of at least 15 years. Although this often means senior scientists are put forward for the prize, ICES is also encouraging nominations for young candidates.

Candidates will be judged by the Awards Committee according to a large set of criteria including achievements, commitments, innovation in science and management and impact on advice. They will also as potential winners be expected to attend the Annual Science Conference (ASC) award ceremony to officially receive the award as well as to engage in networking with and mentoring of young scientists. 

Nominations, are now being accepted and can be submitted via an online form. Nominations for the next Prix d’Excellence award, expected to be presented in 2017, can also be made.

The deadline for nominations is 15 April 2015. ​​​

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​Bill Karp (right) receives the ICES Outstanding Achievement Award from Pierre Petitgas, the Chair of Awards Committee. Copyright: Antonio Bode

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Nominations open for ICES awards

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