
An opportunity to explore common challenges

Advice requesters, Advisory Council representatives, and observers gather in Copenhagen.
Published: 19 January 2024

​​​​​​Each January, decision-makers and policy developers from governments and intergovernmental organizations that request ICES advice, along with Advisory Council representatives and stakeholders travel to our Headquarters in Copenhagen to gain a unique insight into our advice process at the Meeting between ICES and recipients of ICES Advice (MIRIA) and the Annual Meeting between ICES, Advisory Councils and other Observers (MIACO).

Led by Colm Lordan, chair of the Advisory Committee, ICES advisory team welcomed both MIRIA and MIACO participants, providing information on the past year of ICES Advice: fishing opportunities for 198 fish stocks and 17 special requests on wide-ranging issues from fisheries bycatch to innovative fishing gears to the protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems, as well as the growth of our portfolio of ecosystem overviews with the publication of the overview for the Faroes.

Throughout the week there were excellent discussions and dialogue at around the advice, advisory process, emerging data, science, and advisory needs. New developments around quality assurance and increased transparency of the advice were greatly appreciated by both requestors and stakeholders.

These meetings represent an important opportunity for ICES to share the most recent developments in key areas on the science–policy interface such as ICES advice rules, stock rebuilding scenarios, and fisheries reference points. Further dialogue with the managers is crucial to ensure any new approaches are in line with policy and legislative requirements.


A key aim of ICES is to employ the knowledge of our expert community to effectively meet the societal needs for impartial evidence and to generate state-of-the-art advice on meeting conservation, management, and sustainability goals. Both requestors and stakeholders highlighted the need for ICES to prioritize science and advice on ecosystem-based management (EBM), climate change, ecosystem service and effects, and spatial advice in the short term. 

In the longer term, nature restoration, artificial intelligence and food security were prioritised. ICES Roadmaps on Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE), Bycatch of endangered, threatened and protected species, and recreational fisheries (in development) were discussed. 

ICES continues to focus on engaging stakeholders more in the scientific process through our Stakeholder Engagement Strategy. Currently, more than 40 organizations hold observer status to ICES activities. Read more about ICES work with stakeholders and how to apply for observer status.​

Learn more about ICES advisory process.

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​Particpiants at the 2024 MIRIA and MIACO meetings at ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark.

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An opportunity to explore common challenges

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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