IOS2014 will be the fifth in a series of independent symposia convened since 1993, to encourage the exchange of information and expertise, and promote the development of new techniques and applications for otolith-based analysis in ecology, management, and conservation. This international forum is the centre for the exchange of information on developments in the field. New techniques of analysis, statistical treatment, and indeed new areas of application are all presented in this forum.
Calcified tissues have been employed since the 19th century to gain knowledge of life traits, population structure, and environmental relationships of fish and molluscs.
Breakthrough advances include Pannella's discovery (1971) of the daily growth increments and Radtke's discovery (1984) of otolith tracer approaches, resulting in an exponential growth of publications and four dedicated international symposia.
IOS2014 hopes to enhance practical understanding of the use of calcified tissues to implement marine ecosystem and fishery management.
Keynote speakers are ready to lead the discussions. Peter Grønkjær, Bioscience, Aarhus University, Denmark will give a talk on individual indicators, Simon R. Thorrold, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA, will address the symposium on stock indicators, Dirk Nork, Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium, will speak on community indicators, while Rita Vasconcelos,Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, will present on ecological indicators.
To stay-to-date with symposium information, you can go to IOS2014.