
ICES Council convenes in Copenhagen

​At its annual meeting, 18-19 October, strategic areas and the election of new Vice-Presidents were on the agenda.
Published: 25 October 2017

​​Chaired by ICES President, Cornelius Hammer, the Council discussed national science priorities and how these should be reflected in the organization's strategic planning. Ecosystem issues, including social and economic considerations, and climate change were identified as important science challenges among many of the member countries.

Updates were also given on the development and implementation of initiatives to improve the quality of data and methods, as well as the uptake of knowledge into the advisory framework. Participants also provided feedback from member countries on how ICES can further develop and support quality assurance in its products.

Given the transatlantic scope of the organization, the Council found that funding opportunities available within the EU H2020 research and innovation programme and the 2018-2020 work programme, as well as the upcoming FP9 framework programme, offered an excellent opportunity for the organization and its members to contribute, build upon, and ensure the longevity of its work.

Council also discussed the Arctic as an important action area and agreed on a proposal for an ICES contribution to the outcome of the Fifth meeting of the Scientific Fisheries Experts on Fish Stocks in the Central Arctic Ocean taking place in Ottawa, Canada this week.

Three new Vice-Presidents were elected to the Bureau, the executive committee of the Council, for three-year terms: Manuela Azevedo from Portugal, Carl O'Brien from the UK, and Per Sandberg from Norway.

The Council is the governing body of ICES with two Delegates from each of the organization's member countries.

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​ICES Council met in Copenhagen 18-19 October.

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ICES Council convenes in Copenhagen

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