
Hot off the press

A guide to some of the new publications recently made available in ICES library.
Published: 2 November 2017

​​​Documenting methods​​

Two ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences (TIMES) issues have been published since August: numbers 60, ‘Supporting variables for biological effects measurements in fish and blue mussel’ and 61, ‘Guidelines for determining polymer-water and polymer-polymer partition coefficients of organic compounds’.

TIM​ES 60​ covers the measurements of biological effects in fish and blue mussels that are fundamental in marine science monitoring. It presents a number of supporting variables such as body weight, shell weight, and condition whose measurement is necessary in order to obtain reliable biological effects data. The report also outlines several confounding factors.

TIMES 61 lays down guidelines for the practice of passive sampling to monitor levels of hydrophobic persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the marine environment. The technique uses simple polymers, which accumulate POPs when exposed to water and are then used to measure concentrations. Presenting passive sampling as an alternative to biota-based water quality monitoring, TIMES 61 provides guidance for measurement of polymer-water partition coefficients, with considerations for quality assurance and control. ​

Wider science

Fish and shellfish disease received coverage in the form of a Cooperative Research Report (CRR) and an Identification (ID) Leaflet. CRR number 337 documents both the status of major diseases and new diseases affecting farmed fish and molluscs in the ICES Area from 2002 to 2015, based on input from the Working Group on Pathology and Diseases of Marine Organisms (WGPDMO). Identification Leaflet number 68, focuses on x-cell disease in common dab.

Also available are a number of open-access Editor’s Choice articles from ICES Journal of Marine Science. The most recent three of these have covered an approach to a potential Arctic marine protected area (MPA), fisheries connectivity in large marine ecosystems, and monitoring fish choruses for informing of dolphin foraging habitats.​​​​​

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​Photo​: Sean Winters, Flickr

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