
TIMES - ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences

ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences (TIMES) are open access and peer-reviewed manuals and protocols covering a wide spectra of key fields of interest in marine research, and written by experts in their respective fields.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​TIMES are produced under the auspices of ICES expert groups and ad-hoc groups, and are peer-reviewed by specialists in the field. They offer detailed and state-of-the art descriptions of methods and procedures, ranging in topics from chemical, physical, and biological measurements​ through detailed survey protocols, to data handling and modelling. Many include useful tips and tricks from experienced users. For a full overview of all the topics covered, you can browse our TIMES collection in the ICES l​​​ibrary​​. The current series editor is Tatiana Tsagaraki.

As of 2020, the previously independent Series of ICES Survey Protocols (SISP) is merging with our TIMES series as a new TIMES collection: ICES Survey Protocols.​​​

​​If you are interested in publishing a TIMES, you can find further information by consulting the CRR/TIMES author guidelines or by contacting ICES Editor.

Find out more information​ about the​​ series.  ​

Latest TIMES

Vol. 69

Vol. 68

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TIMES - ICES Techniques in Marine Environmental Sciences

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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