
First hackathon takes place at ICES

First ever ICES hackathon event saw teams collaborate to develop and pitch ideas for visualizing and integrating data.
Published: 7 June 2018

​​​​​​​​​​The event, taking place as the Workshop on INtegration and VIsualisation TEchnology of ICES Data (WKINVITED), involved 16 participants across four teams working to create ideas for how existing ICES data could be better presented graphically.

The multidisciplinary teams spent two days building their data products before presenting them to a panel of judges from ICES Data and Information Group (DIG). There were two winning ideas: one which simulates the effect of changing fish catch on catch of related species in mixed fisheries and the second a tool which takes data from the fishing gear and links it to visual output, allowing for monitoring of sensors straight after a haul.

Both ideas touch on a new topic and provide a scope for broader future use, both for stock assessors and collectors. They will continue to be pushed forward and developed, with the gear parameter technique​ to be taken up in September's Workshop on Technical Development to Support Fisheries Data Collection 2 (WKSEATEC2)​.​

As well as these ideas, the wider notion of better presenting fisheries data and advice will also feed into future discussions as ICES looks to improve accessibility and comprehension for scientists, administrators, and the public.

"We wanted a novel method to encourage ICES scientists to work with the ICES datasets, which shouldn't just be the domain of programmers. We also wanted to show how useful scientific ideas and outputs can be produced in a short space of time when you have the right combination of people in the room," said David Currie, who chaired the hackathon along with Sjur Ringheim Lid.


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Hackathon participants at ICES, also joined by some others in teams that worked remotely.

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First hackathon takes place at ICES

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