Data and Information Group

The Data and Information group (DIG) provides ICES with advice on all aspects of data management including data policy, data strategy, data quality, technical issues and user-oriented guidance.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​DIG supports ICES Data Centre with feedback and advice on a number of topics, including existing products, current developments, potential new products, and the potential risk of data-duplication resulting from multiple submission roots, and the evaluation of the checklists.

DIG provides advice and guidance across​ multiple disciplines regarding data and information, such as expertise on spatial, oceanographic, ​VMS and biological data, as well as expertise on metadata, vocabularies, user guidance and quality control. When there is a need for it, the group initiates study groups, workshops, expert groups or training courses on specific topics.

Topics of interest to the group and a wider audience are posted on the ICES Linkedin group, in the ICES Data and Information Forum.

DIG is able to react quickly to ad-hoc requests from inside and outside the ICES community, like ICES Data Centre, ACOM, SCICOM, and Expert Groups. SCICOM and ACOM are both represented in the group. 

DIG meets twice a year: at a plenary in May in Copenhagen at ICES, and at ICES Annual Science Conference with DIG participants present. In case of ad-hoc requests a subgroup will meet via a web-conference.

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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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