
An outstanding role model Ann Bucklin presented with Outstanding Achievement Award

Molecular biologist Ann Bucklin presented with Outstanding Achievement Award during the opening ceremony of ICES Annual Science Conference in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Published: 9 September 2019

​​​​​​​​​Ann Bucklin, University of Conneticut, USA, has made significant contributions to ICES over a long career marked by a continued high level of commitment to excellence in science, research, and training. For more than 20 years, Ann has been a member of ICES community and has had an ongoing impact in the field of marine science over this time.

Her contributions were recognized at the opening of ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Among her many achievements, Ann was lead scientist (2004-2010) for Census of Marine Life ocean realm field project, the Census of Marine Zooplankton (CMarZ), which produced a global assessment of zooplankton diversity, resulting in public databases of DNA barcode sequences.

Ann has influenced and enriched ICES community through her promotion of molecular techniques to address a wide range of problems important in the organization's science. This role has been particularly important in linking ICES with the wider international scientific community.

Those who nominated Ann for the award highlighted her “great dynamism and abilities to communicate science to society", “outstanding scientific achievements, great leadership, mentoring activities and readiness to help young scientists", as well as her “energy, enthusiasm, and tenacity".

This energy has attracted many contributors from outside ICES community to the expert groups she is involved in. Ann is a world-renowned expert in zooplankton communities and broadly regarded as a leader in her field. Being from the academic world, many of her peers have also recognized her role as a bridge builder between academia and ICES. Her impressive scientific contribution can be seen by her extensive publication record which has been cited thousands of time, making her one of the most recognized scientists in the area of marine molecular biologists.

​​ICES career

Ann has served as the ICES US Delegate from 2003–2006. She was key to the establishment of the expert group on integrated morphological and molecular taxonomy in 2011 and a key figure in the success of that group and the group on zooplankton ecology.

This is not Ann's first ICES Annual Science Conference. She has organized a number of theme sessions in the past, examples of which are Molecules and morphology: integrative taxonomic analysis of marine planktonic assemblages, (Hamburg, 2018), Microbes to mammals: metabarcoding of the marine pelagic assemblage, (Fort Lauderdale, 2017), Complexity and structure of planktonic foodwebs: who really eats whom? (Reykjavik, 2013), as well as being awarded Best Paper in 2000.


One colleague stated that ,“While Ann's CV shows an impressive collection of publications and scientific achievements, I wish to point out something not in these documents. I think Ann's biggest contribution to our community has been her years of mentoring and shepherding of students and early‐career scientists."

Ann is praised as someone who is always willing to help or provide professional, scientific, or personal guidance, and with her compassion has convinced more than one young scientist to persist and stay in science.

Another peer reflected that, “Reading her publications back 15 years ago I did not even dream of meeting Ann or talking to her. But sometimes the reality is better than the dreams: Ann turned out to be not only a great scientist but also a wonderful person."

​Real-world application

On accepting her award from Carl O'Brien, Ann thanked the community for the recognition but also for the assistance throughout her career. She noted how her participation in ICES has always been for her benefit because of the wonderful forum it provides for science, allowing a direct avenue for her​​ research to application in fisheries management. Having access to both international collaboration, research opportunities, and policy implications has made ICES her favourite place to bring lab members. “At ICES, through the international scientific collaboration, you realize why what you do is important because of the direct real-world applications".

Speaking to the ICES Annual Science Conference audience, Anne Christine Brusendorff, ICES General Secretary, noted that ICES could not have a better ambassador, as Ann's work links the fields of science, policy, and management.

Congratulations to Ann Bucklin, awardee of ICES Outstanding Achievement Award 2019.

Watch the entire ICES ASC Opening session​​ featuring the award ceremony, along with keynotes by Vladimir Ryabinin (IOC-UNESCO), Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, (World Maritime University​, Sweden) and the opening panel discussion Science is key for a sustainable management of the sea. 

Follow #ICESASC19 and @ICES_ASC to stay up to date on all the news and science from ICES Annual Science Conference 2019 in Gothenburg, Sweden.​

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​Ann Bucklin presented with the Outstanding Achievement Award for her contributions to ICES by Carl O'Brien.

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An outstanding role model Ann Bucklin presented with Outstanding Achievement Award

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