
ICES advice on monitoring of bycatch of seabirds

ICES has today released advice on monitoring of bycatch of searbirds.
Published: 2 December 2013

​​​​Information on seabird bycatch remains relatively sparse and is becoming increasingly dated. ICES advises on fisheries where bycatch is either known to happen or likely to pose a risk to seabird populations. Priority should be given to monitoring in trammelnets and set gillnets in the Baltic, North Sea, and North Atlantic, and in set long-line fisheries in the Atlantic and Mediterranean/Black Sea.

The advice includes a description of an assessment framework, including metrics and criteria to define if a seabird bycatch problem exists. In addition, a standard data reporting format for recording seabird bycatch is under development and ICES is developing a database for marine mammal bycatch which will also include data on seabirds.

The advice was issued in response to the request from the European Commission (EC).

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A proposed framework for exploring the criteria and metrics that could be used to define a seabird bycatch problem. (Click to enlarge)

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ICES advice on monitoring of bycatch of seabirds

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