
SCICOM Open Sessions

Shape the future path of ICES science

​SCICOM Open Sessions represent an opportunity for ICES Strategic Initiatives and Steering Groups, together with ICES ASC participants, to review their activities, strategize their science, develop synergies and address common challenges. These sessions often result in new proposals for working groups, workshops, or theme sessions for forthcoming ASCs.  

The first instalment of SCICOM Open Sessions takes place directly after SCICOM Chair Yvonne Walther kicks off ICES ASC with the SCICOM Open Plenary on Monday, 15 September at 9:00. 

The second part takes place Wednesday afternoon, 17 September. 

All ASC attendees are welcome and encouraged to attend.​

Click on the Open Session titles below to find the detailed agendas: 

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​SCICOM open session at ASC 2012 in Bergen, Norway.

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SCICOM Open Sessions

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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