Shellfish - Resources and Invaders of the North

Shellfish symposium

5-7 November 2019
Tromsø, Norway

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The goal of this symposium is to discuss the role of cold-water shellfish both as a harvestable resource and as important ecosystem players in northern hemisphere cold marine ecosystem:

  • How do we exploit them sustainably​
  • Can we explain the recent changes in distribution and population dynamics for e.g.  shrimp and snow crab, and what should be the management responses?
  • What are the ecologi​cal effects of invasive species, and should they be controlled by excessive harvests or managed for sustainability?
  • The ecosystem effects of the boom and bust of large shellfish populations are potentially massive; can these impacts be quantified?

​Symposium format

The 3-day symposium will consist of plenary sessions and poster presentations. Sessions will include invited and contributed papers. Contributed papers will be selected for oral and poster presentations. Duration of presentations will be decided as soon as possible. 

Publication Plan​

Contributions will be published in ICES Journal of Marine Science. Note that manuscripts can be submitted at any time between the first call for papers, 11 February until 3 months after the conference, 8 February 2020.

Go to the IJMS website for information about how submit a manuscript.

Symposium partners

The symposium is hosted by the Institute of Marine Research (IMR).

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Carsten Hvingel, IMR, Norway
Gordon Kruse, UAF, USA
Bernard Sainte-Marie, DFO, Canada

 Scientific Steering Committee
Ann-Lisbeth Agnalt, IMR, Norway
Alf Håkon Hoel, IMR/UiT, Norway
Einar M. Nilssen, UiT, Norway
Guro Gjelsvik, FDIR, Norway
Jan Roger Lerbukt, Norges Fiskarlag, Norway
Jan Sundet, IMR, Norway
Konstantin Sokolov, VNIRO Polar Branch, Russia
Oivind Strand, IMR, Norway
Poul Degnbol, Univ. of Aalborg, Denmark
Sten I. Siikavuopio, Nofima, Norway
Svein Løkkeborg, IMR, Norway
Carsten Hvingel, IMR, Norway
Gordon Kruse, UAF, USA
​Bernard Sainte-Marie, DFO, Canada​

Local organizing committee
Maria Jenssen, IMR, Norway
Ragni OlssønIMR, Norway
Ann Merete HjelsetIMR, Norway
Carsten HvingelIMR, Norway
​Gunnar SaetraIMR, Norway
Julie Krogh Hallin, ICES, Denmark

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Shellfish symposium

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