ICES/UNECE working meeting

Theme session B

The use of Key Performance Indicators (KPI), Key Risk Indicators (KRI) and Key Control Indicators (KCI) to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the management systems to achieve SDG 14 targets

​​​Session chairs:
Mike Elliott (UK)
Jake Rice (Canada)
Markus Krebsz (UK/Germany)

Session B focuses on the use of key indicators to evaluate performance and effectiveness of specific measures and strategies to achieve SDG 14 targets.​

Much science has been devoted to indicators in relation to sustainability from an ecological, social, economic and institutional perspective. A broad range of indicators have been developed for monitoring, assessing as well as understanding ecosystem status and impacts of human activities. From a management perspective, however, the intended use of indicators is to assess the performance and effectiveness of management system in achieving objectives, to inform rule-based decision-making and, ultimately, to improve the implementation of existing legislation and to justify the need for new legislation.

A risk management process is concerned with the identification and implementation of a management system of strategies, measures, controls and procedures considered adequate to achieve policy objective. In such a process, risk assessment has to identify the relevant risks that would undermine the objectives and analyse the management options to reduce the risks of not achieving such objectives. This is one of the key difference of risk management processes in contrast to current assessment approaches to impacts to ecosystem functions and features. In risk management, monitoring and review activities are used to evaluate the performance of the management system in achieving objectives. Key performance, risk and control indicators are used in such evaluations. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) indicate a change in the performance of the management system in achieving the policy objective. Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) indicate a change in the probability or likelihood of ecosystem risks that would undermine achieving the policy objective. Key Control Indicators (KCIs) indicate a change in the effectiveness of the implemented management measures, controls or procedures in meeting an expected outcome needed to achieve the policy objective.
Questions to be considered for submitted papers and panel discussions in this session:

What are the current risk management processes used to assess and manage the risks to operationalize EBM and achieve SDG 14 Targets?

What indicators could be considered as KPIs, KRIs, KCIs to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of sector-specific measures and conservation strategies within the SDG 14 policy context?

What science would be needed to develop such indicators within a risk management process?


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Theme session B

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