Training courses

Introduction to Management Strategy Evaluation

Course cancelled

ICES Headquarters, Copenhagen, Denmark
In-person participation

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Management Strategy Evaluation is an essential tool for evaluating management plans against management objectives, including whether such plans are consistent with the ICES precautionary approach and take appropriate account of uncertainty. The main objective of this course is to provide a general introduction to Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) by covering a range of topics with associated case studies and practical sessions, thereby equipping participants with the knowledge, skills and quantitative tools to undertake MSE on their own fisheries resources.

The course pairs “theoretical” lectures with actual case studies from around the world (including several examples from Europe), which serve to illustrate or highlight concepts introduced during the lecture sessions. The topics covered include a general introduction, operating models (conditioning, construction and weighting alternative hypotheses), management strategies (different types used, including model-based and model-free), uncertainty (the different kinds and where they fit into the MSE process), risk (various definitions and management) and communication of results (linking performance statistics to objectives, considering different stakeholders). The operating models are not limited to single species only, and there are examples with technical interactions (anchovy-sardine mixed fishery in South Africa) and the use of an environmental index in a Harvest Control Rule (Pacific sardine). Small group discussions help solidify concepts learnt each day and worked examples (HCRs in Excel and a full MSE in FLR using an ICES example) are used to turn concepts into practice.  The course ends with a summary and Best Practice guidelines.

Level: The level is introductory, but experience with stock assessment models used to provide management advice, and with Excel and R would be helpful.  A brief introduction to FLR as an MSE tool will be provided during the course.


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​​Cou​rse instructors:​​

Carryn de Moor, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Jose De Oliveira, Cefas, Suffolk, UK
Simon Fischer, Cefas, Suffolk, UK

950 EUR (for ICES member country affiliated participants​)
1550 EUR (for non-member country affiliated participants)
Your registration to ICES training does not guarantee a place on the selected training course. Once the registration deadline has passed, you will receive information if your application has been successful and you will receive​ information about paying the course fee.​​​
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Introduction to Management Strategy Evaluation

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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