Training courses

Introduction to mapping and spatial analysis with R

25-29 November 2019
ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark


R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.  In recent years, developers have significantly expanded the capacity of R to process, analyse and display spatial data. Many tasks that previously required a Geographic Information System (GIS) today can be done within R, with the added advantage that they can be fully integrated within other steps of the analysis. In addition, when using R scripts for spatial analysis and the production of maps (as opposite to using software with graphical user interfaces) they become fully documented and reproducible. 

Very recent developments include the "sf" package, with provides support for simple features in R and allow for a smooth interaction with packages of the "tidyverse", and a series of new mapping packages that allow for the creation of thematic maps and interactive maps. 

It is likely that even R users with some experience have not been exposed to the new tools available in R for the process, analysis and display of spatial data. This course is intended to provide this exposure.

By the end of the course participants will be able to:

  • Read vector and raster data in a variety of formats
  • Create spatial objects from scratch
  • Perform spatial operations in vector and raster data
  • Query and summarise spatial data
  • Prepare static maps using base and ggplot graphics
  • Create interactive maps for an array of data types


The course assumes that participants have a basic exposure to R, but assumes no background in the manipulation and visualisation of spatial data.

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Einar Hjorleifsson & Julian Burgos, Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Iceland

Course fee:

750 Euros for ICES member country affiliated participants
1250 Euros​ for non-member country affiliated participants​​​

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Introduction to mapping and spatial analysis with R

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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