Most commonly conducted as single-species analyses, management evaluation strategies (MSE) can also address mixed-fisheries objectives using multi-stock and multi-fleet operating models. The EU project SEAwise endeavours to develop such multi-stock multi-species models further so that they can be used to define and evaluate fisheries management strategies that address broad ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM) objectives, including identifying harvest control rules (HCR) that are robust to changes in productivity.
As such, a key deliverable of the SEAwise project is to develop robust and consistent environment-productivity relationships for commercial stocks across selected case studies, which can then be integrated into MSE models.
The course will consist of practical sessions based on the work carried out on the project case studies: the Baltic Sea, North Sea, Western Waters, and the Central Mediterranean Sea.
The course will cover the following topics:
- environmental data preparation,
- covariate selection,
- model fitting: statistical vs. mechanistic,
- model evaluation and validation,
- projection, and
- communication of assumptions.
The MSE models used will include FLBEIA and BEMTOOL.
Experience with FLR and R would be helpful along with general knowledge of stock assessment and MSE models.