Training courses

Stock Assessment Introduction Online

17 - 21 February 2025
Online (14:00 - 20:00, GMT)

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This course provides introduction, demonstration, and exercises in population modelling as applied to fishery resources.

​​​​​​​​This course will train scientists in basic population dynamics and stock assessment. The course not only presents the theoretical elements but also puts theory into practice through case studies and hands-on exercises.

Specific objectives are:

  1. understanding the role of stock assessment in fishery science
  2. familiarity with conventional stock assessment models
  3. experience in basic model building and parameter estimation
By the end of the course, the participants will:
  • be aware of single species assessment methods as applied to North Atlantic fisheries
  • understand the data-collection needs for different assessment methods
  • be familiar with indicators and reference points, both biological and economic, as tools in fishery management
  • develop knowledge of population and fishery processes by using simulation models to improve scientific advice for managers


The course provides a conceptual understanding, supported by quantitative applications that are designed to illustrate model properties. Advanced topics and programming skills will be introduced in preparation for more advanced ICES courses or to approach the same topics through self-learning.

Requirements for attending

Participants should have basic knowledge of R and Excel. ​​​​​​

Registration is now open



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Cour​se instructors:

Coby Needle, Marine Scotland, United Kingdom

Colin Millar, ICES Secretariat, Denmark


750 Euros for ICES member country affiliated participants

1250 Euros for non-member country affiliated participants​

The training course fee is payable upon submission of your application. Please have your credit card details ready when completing your application. If the course is cancelled or postponed, the fee will be reimbursed to you. 

Please note that your registration for ICES Training Course is not final until confirmed. If the course does not meet the minimum number of participants, it may be cancelled or rescheduled. If the course is cancelled you will receive a full refund of the course fee. We recommend waiting to book any travel arrangements until you receive confirmation from us that the course will proceed as scheduled. You will be notified about the status of your application and course confirmation after the registration deadline has passed.​​
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Stock Assessment Introduction Online

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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