Training courses

Fisheries management to meet biodiversity conservation needs

Understanding the interface between fisheries and biodiversity issues

This course has been cancelled


The objective of this course is to raise the level of understanding of middle and senior level science advisors and fisheries and environmental managers regarding the interface between fisheries and biodiversity issues.
The course will cover both theoretical elements and how to put theory into practice through case studies and exercises. Specific objectives are to provide participants with:

  1. understanding of the needs for biodiversity conservation from fishery science and management;
  2. familiarity with international policies and targets for fisheries and for biodiversity;
  3. understanding of fishery management measures to meet biodiversity as well as fisheries policy targets.
By the end of the course, the participants will
  • be aware of international biodiversity policy targets and relevant fisheries management measures;
  • understand the data-collection needs for different management measures;
  • be familiar with the factors that affect the ability of various management measures to keep fisheries and their impacts on biodiversity sustainable ecologically and economically;
  • be familiar with indicators and reference points, both biological and economic, as tools in fishery management to meet policy targets.



The course is aimed at middle and senior level science advisors, as well as fisheries and environmental managers.

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Jake Rice, Ecosystem Sciences Branch, DFO, Canada

Mark Tasker, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Scotland

Course fee:

450 Euros (for ICES member country affiliated participants)

750 Euros (for non-member country affiliated participants)

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Fisheries management to meet biodiversity conservation needs

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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