Training courses

Bio-Economic Management Strategy Evaluation using FLBEIA

25 Feburary - 1 March 2019
ICES Secretariat, Copenhagen, Denmark

​​​​​​​​​FLBEIA is a multi-stock and multi-fleet bio-economic simulation model that describes a fishery system under a Management Strategy Evaluation (MSE) approach. The model was designed with the aim to facilitate bio-economic evaluation of management strategies. FLBEIA is presented as an R package and is built as part of FLR project.

This five-day course is designed to train fisheries management scientists and advisors in the implementation of MSE analysis using FLBEIA. It is organized into a series of sessions with alternating focus on theoretical concepts and hands-on work on examples. These sessions will equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and quantitative tools to undertake MSEs on their own fisheries systems using FLBEIA. In the last day, there will be time to assist the participants in the implementation of their own case studies.

The course will cover the following topics:
Management Strategy Evaluation 
Introduction to FLR
Conditioning of  Operating models, from single stock and single fleet to multi-stock and multi-fleet metier case studies.
Shiny interface.
Evaluation of the performance of assessment models and harvest control rules in the management procedure.
Bio-economic conditioning of multi-stock and multi-fleet case studies using Intercatch and Annual Economic Report data.
Bio-economic evaluation of  management strategies  for mixed-fisheries in the short and long term.

​The course is aimed at scientists who have a foundation in the fundamentals of stock assessments and management. Basic knowledge of R is also required.
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Dorleta Garcia, AZTI-Tecnicalia, Spain
Sonia Sánchez, AZTI-Tecnalia, Spain

Course fee:
750 Euros for ICES member country affiliated participants
1250 Euros​ for non-member country affiliated participants​​​

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Bio-Economic Management Strategy Evaluation using FLBEIA

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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