Dataset Collections

Catch statistics

Nominal catches reported by governmental statistical offices

Annual nominal catches of more than 200 species of fish and shellfish in the Northeast Atlantic region are officially submitted by 20 ICES member countries. ICES has been gathering and publishing fisheries statistics since 1904. The current data is collected and coordinated in collaboration with the Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT).

The data sources are the national statistical offices, in some countries the collection and compilation of fisheries statistics are handled by specialized organizations.

Definitions used in the datasets are compliant with the CWP fisheries statistics standards.

Official catch data
The Northeast Atlantic historical catch statistics for 1903-49 are available in .xlsx and .csv formats.

The other dataset with historical data for 1950-2010 is formatted in .xls and .csv formats.

Newer data for 2006-2021 are arranged into a separate dataset, updated annually. The available data formats are .xlsx and .csv. Please note the new rules for catch reporting at different area levels. As some historical data 2006-2010 might have been edited since the 1950-2010 dataset was published, please refer to the newer dataset for data from these years. More details can be found in the dataset documentation. All datasets are packaged as zip-files.

The geographical breakdown is according to the ICES system of subareas, divisions and subdivisions. The area-coding for the older data is converted to the one used today, where the principle of only subdividing areas but not creating cross-cutting new areas was followed.

Data presented in the datasets are not corrected for non-reported catches where such may have occurred.

Preliminary catch data
Preliminary nominal catch data for the limited list of species in 2022 are available for download.

ICES Working Group members can access the data. Data access information and additional comments to the dataset are shared with the Assessment Groups Chairs annually, after the figures are published.

Other users can get access to the dataset per request.

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Catch statistics

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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