Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks



WGWIDEWGWIDETrueErling Kåre StenevikFRSG

The Working Group on Widely Distributed Stocks (WGWIDE) compiles and analyses data on large stocks of pelagic species (e.g. mackerel, blue whiting, horse mackerel, herring), as well as other widely distributed and highly migratory species.

​​​​​​​​​​For those stocks where sufficient data are available, the analysis consists of a stock assessment which will then lead to a forecast of catch options for the year ahead. For stocks where the data do not make such an analysis possible, other approaches will be used, such as analysis of trends in abundance estimates or catches.

The working group is open to observers from competent authorities. Details about how to join can be found in the Guidelines for Observers.​​​

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