Benthos Ecology Working Group

ICES Benthos Ecology Working Group (BEWG) focuses primarily on long-term series and climate change, benthic indicators and EU directives, and species distribution modelling​​.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​BEWG brings together a group of ecologists with expertise covering areas from macro to meio-benthos. The work targets the field of applied benthic ecology. The main working themes are aimed at covering: benthic long-term series and climate change, benthic indicators, species distribution modelling, the link between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning, and the role of benthos within marine protected areas (MPAs). Several case studies are ongoing to tackle some of these research-driven questions. The group also considers emerging issues associated to the field of benthic ecology.

BEWG provides ad-hoc advice and often the case-studies developed during meetings are drafted as peer-review publications to disseminate their outcomes. Several Theme sessions have been delivered by members of the group during the ICES Annual Science Conferences.

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