Workshop on Training for the Transparent Assessment Framework

Workshop on Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) stock assessment outputs

17-18 September 2024, WMR ,IJmuiden

Colin Millar & Luca Lamoni, ICES Secretariat

​​​​​​This in-person workshop is primarily for ICES stock assessors and provides an introduction, demonstrations, and exercises in producing ICES Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) assessment outputs and working within the GitHub environment. It is aimed at people working with stock assessment models who need guidance to run the models through TAF.


The workshop will help stock assessors in the ICES community use Git repositories for stock assessment. They will learn about the tools available to add data, run their models and how to publish a successful assessment to Stock Assessment Graphs (SAG) using the icesTAF R package.


The workshop will be held at the Wageningen Marine Research in IJmuiden The Netherlands. The workshop is only for members of ICES expert groups or EG chair nominees. 


Participants should be familiar with the R environment.


Please send us an email if you would like to attend or know more about the workshop

Course materials 

All materials are freely available online on the TAF GitHub and other learning materials are available through www.taf.ices.dk.

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