Workshop on Small Scale Fisheries and Geo-Spatial Data 2

This workshop aims to build up from WKSSFGEO on the development of methods to identify fishing activity in small-scale fisheries, including passive gears and provide an overview of the extent of small-scale fisheries in EU waters using FDI database.

​​Dates: ​ 13–​16 March 2023​
Venue: Center of Marines Sciences (CCMAR), Faro, Portugal

​The workshop will continue the development and comparison of methods to classify high spatio-temporal resolution position data into fishing activities, started at WKSSFGEO​ and prepare an overview of the types of information that can be inferred with different temporal frequencies of acquisition of geospatial data. 

The output will be:

  • a report indicating the steps to work with high-resolution geospatial data for small-scale fisheries
  • a set of recommendations on the optimal frequency of acquisition of geospatial data by gear types
  • and an anonymized dataset to work with these kinds of methods. The anonymized data set will be prepared for the workshop to test different methods, but participants are encouraged to bring their own data.

WKSSFGEO2 will also explore the extent of VMS and logbook data for small-scale vessels already available at ICES and use the FDI database to determine the extent of small-scale fisheries that use bottom-contacting fishing gear in the EU for an indication of the most impacting gear(s) on the seafloor.

Registration for the workshop is closed.

If the workshop is oversubscribed, ICES reserves the right, in consultation with the workshop chairs, to select the final workshop participants based on geographic and subject expertise distribution.

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