Workshop for the evaluation of the Iberian sardine HCR

The Workshop for the evaluation of the Iberian sardine HCR (WKSARHCR 2021), chaired by Manuela Azevedo, Portugal, will meet online on 12 April 2021 and 27–30 April 2021.

​​​​​​​​​​The group meets to:

a )    Re-examine and update (if necessary) MSY and PA reference points according to ICES guidelines (see Technical document on reference points);

b )    Evaluate the proposed Harvest Control Rule (HCR) for the Iberian sardine stock (listed in the text table below) against precautionary criteria. The evaluation should consider:

    1. Whether the tools used (methods), and the model conditioning done (data), are appropriate for the stock;
    2. Whether the minimum requirements for simulation testing HCRs, as developed by WKGMSE process, are met;
    3. Analysis of the results of the HCR evaluation to develop conclusions on whether the proposed HCR can be considered precautionary;
​c)     ​​Should the proposed HCR include elements that are in contradiction with ensuring that the stock is fished and maintained, also in the future, at levels which can produce MSY, comment specifically on such elements, and their consequences for ensuring MSY.

d)    Deliver a report containing the key decisions and conclusions in relation to the ToRs.

e)    Produce an initial draft of the advice.


WKSARHCR will report by 5 May 2021 for the attention of the Advisory Committee.​

Stock codeStock
pil.27.8c9aSardine (Sardina pilchardus) in divisions 8.c and 9.a (Cantabrian Sea and Atlantic Iberian waters)

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