Workshop on Scallop Aging 2

Workshop on Scallop Aging will build on the first workshop and continue progress made in the field of scallop age reading methodologies and collaborations in developing best practice and quality assurance.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The aim of WKSA2 is to build on the progress made in the first workshop and further share expertise on aging protocols, advances in methodology, and ways to improve the consistency in age reading of king scallops (Pecten maximus).  During the workshop we would aim to create, collate and consensus age a reference collection of scallop shells for the participating institutes across geographical fishery locations, undertaking microscope QC training in the consensus QC process.

King scallops are distributed widely along the European Atlantic coastline, from Norway to the Iberian Peninsula. Age and growth data for king scallops is routinely collected from both fishery-dependent and independent sources for use in scientific research and assessment of stocks. Age information can be estimated from the external growth rings on the shell.  Standardised methodologies, quality control and assurance are an essential component to validate age and growth estimates used for fisheries stock assessments and any future ecosystem-based fisheries management.

This workshop provides a regular platform to progress information flow and development of a cohesive understanding of growth in scallop populations and diverse stocks, vital for use in stock assessments and fisheries advise.

Please note that this is not a training workshop.

Institutes and experts attending will present on their institute's current methodologies, standard operating procedures, and quality assurance process for scallop aging to allow discussion and agreement on a standardised methodology. 

Attendees are asked to have prepared and aged reference sets of scallops (10-20 shells) for a stock to allow exchange and review. 

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