Tenth Workshop on the Development of Quantitative Assessment Methodologies based on LIFE-history traits, exploitation characteristics, and other relevant parameters for data-limited stocks

5–9 October 2020
Online meeting

​​​​​​​​​The workshop further develops methods for stock assessment and catch advice for stocks in categories 3–6, focusing on the provision of sound advice rules that are within the ICES MSY framework. The workshop should address the following Terms of Reference:

  1. Continue the development of appropriate methods for the assessment and provision of fishing opportunities for data-limited short-lived species stocks.
  2. Further review the application of harvest control methods exploring the implementation of additional precautionary measures where necessary such as an asymmetric precautionary buffer and/or biomass safeguards; i.e. reducing advice when below reference point(s).
  3. Evaluate the robustness of SPiCT based upon the development of Operating Models of African black hakes using FLife developed under the MyDas project and compare results from SPiCT to the age-based a4a assessment model.
  4. Evaluate further improvements to the performance of the WKMSYCat34 catch rule 3.2.1. Focus on improving the catch rule for stocks with von Bertalanffy growth parameter k>0.32, investigate more extensively the definition of the catch rule components and their impact on performance, and investigate the possibility of alternative catch rules.
  5. Explore the operating model set-up for data-limited simulations, including sensitivity analyses based on the Jacobian; e.g. elasticity analysis, on how the different life-history and fishery parameters affect the simulated stock behaviour under exploitation, an analysis of the nature of time series and trends of observable stock characteristics (such as fishery dependent and independent metrics) and how the knowledge gained can be used to further improve the performance of catch rules.
  6. Further explore and develop methods appropriate for data-limited, data-moderate and data-rich fisheries such as MERA, DLMtool and MSEtool libraries; together with emerging multispecies approaches both within and outside the ICES' community.


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