Workshop on the assessment and management plan evaluation for Icelandic herring

5–7 March 2024
Marine and Freshwater Research Institute, Hafnarfjörður, Iceland (and online)

​​WKICEHER aims to evaluate the management plans for Iceland grounds ​summer-spawning ​herring (Clupea harengus; her.27.5a) against precautionary and MSY criteria. It will include a data workshop to consider the quality of data proposed for use in the assessment, consider stock identity and migration issues, and make a proposal on the use and treatment of data for each assessment (including discards, surveys, life history, etc.). As part of the assessment methods workshop, a full suite of diagnostics (e.g. data, retrospective behaviour, model fit, predictive power etc.) will be examined to evaluate the appropriateness of any model developed and proposed for use in generating advice.​​​

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