Workshop on the evaluation of NEA mackerel stock components

12–16 June 2023
NEAFC HQ, London, UK

​​​This workshop reviews information on stock identification of Northeast Atlantic mackerel and develops a consensus understanding of population structure and key uncertainties, based on the following:

  1. Distribution and movements of different life-stages of mackerel, including changes over time, inferred from: mackerel tagging; scientific surveys; commercial landings; dispersal models (e.g. of mackerel eggs and larva/juveniles)
  2. Genetic analyses
  3. Other approaches not listed above

Based on this evidence, the workshop will formulate scenarios for mackerel components in the Northeast Atlantic, and assesses the evidence-based plausibility of each of these scenarios (including the current definitions of Southern, Western and North Sea). The workshop will also:

  • Provide guidance on the practical implications of each scenario (ToR b) in terms of the availability of data and analytical requirements. Particularly relevant is the availability of historical time-series of catch data. For example, analysis of spatial components with mixing in a single model has different historical data requirements when compared to split stock units. Considerations should include how to deal with changes to mixing and stock structure over time (past and future)
  • Make recommendations for which mackerel stock scenario(s) to take forward in a future mackerel benchmark, including in what format data should be requested and prepared
  • ​Review and evaluate the basis and potential impacts of management measures targeted at specific areas or components of NEA mackerel (e.g., minimum landing size, closed areas, closed seasons, quota measures) and provide recommendations on how the results could be used in the context of the ICES advice​
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