SCAR-Fish/ICES/EFARO Workshop on Enabling Mechanisms for Science-Industry Partnerships to inform the Ecosystem Approach

27-28 June 2023
ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark

​​​​​​​​Science-Industry partnerships to enhance collection and analysis of fisheries-dependent monitoring data have been carried out through EU funded projects. Data collected support scientific understanding of fisheries dynamics, impacts on ecosystem, and effects on the productivity and distribution of fish stocks. 

This workshop on enabling mechanisms for science-industry partnerships to inform the ecosystem approach by SCAR-FishEFARO and ICES builds on previous work of SCAR-Fish. It brings together science and industry to exchange on lessons learned, identifying R&I needs and enabling mechanisms to help further develop existing partnerships and inform future co-operations.

Participation to this workshop is upon invitation.​​​​​​

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