Workshop 3 on Designing an Eel Data Call

Workshop on Designing an Eel Data Call
9-13 May 2022
Online meeting

Chairs: Hilaire Drouineau & Tea Bašić

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This workshop will design a data call to all countries having natural production of European eel. To achieve this aim, the workshop will

  • Prepare templates that will be used to report these data to ICES and text for the 2022 ICES Data call on eel
  • Develop in the WGEEL's shiny application, the tools required for the automatic generation of templates for the integration of reported data in the database and for their analysis
  • Run tests with dummy data to validate the spreadsheets, data integration procedures and debug the shiny application
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