Workshop on Evaluation of certain provisions of a draft Baltic salmon MP

The Workshop on Evaluating the Draft Baltic Salmon Management Plan-WKBaltSalMP will meet to scope what efforts are needed in order to evaluate the draft of a multiannual management plan for the salmon stocks in the Baltic Sea proposed by BALTFISH.

​The first workshop should address the following Terms of Reference:

ToR a) Clarify the essential factors in the draft management plan upon which basis ICES will give advice. This should include principal discussions regarding:

  1. Use of the current MSY proxy versus river-specific MSYs as management targets;
  2. “Adequate timelines" for stocks to achieve management targets, including whether biological reference points (PSPC) and estimates of current smolt production should be based on the most recent year or an average of several years;
  3. Probability levels of attaining management targets.

ToR b) If required following on the discussions under ToR a), identify potential modifications to the proposed management plan that would improve its effectiveness.

ToR c) Produce a clear plan and timeline for the work to be completed by WKBaltSalMP II (anticipated to take place early 2020).

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