Workshop on accounting for fishers and other stakeholders’ perceptions of the dynamics of fish stocks in ICES advice

10-12 October 2023
ICES HQ, Copenhagen, Denmark

​​This workshop supports ICES to deliver on the priority in ICES Advisory Plan 2019 ​to 'Improve the mechanism for sharing alternative perceptions of the state of stocks and fisheries', by identifying where and how alternative perceptions could be gathered and usefully applied.

As a first step, the workshop will synthesize the findings of WKRRMAC, WKRRCOD, WKENSURE, and other relevant reports on using knowledge of fishers and other stakeholders perceptions of fish and fisheries dynamics in the process of sense-checking ICES assessment and resulting advice on fishing opportunities.

From that basis, the workshop will identify where the knowledge of perceptions of fish stock dynamics could usefully be applied in ICES assessment and advisory process, followed by describing a process for reflection and reasoning on identified similarities and differences in ICES assessments and fishers and other stakeholders perceptions of fish stock dynamics.

The workshop will follow-up on this identified process by providing the key elements of a mechanism to systematically monitor and collate information from fishers and other stakeholders on fish stock status (and relation to reference points) and trends, and fishing patterns, which may be useful to evidence and understand any similarities and differences in their perceptions compared to ICES assessments. Finally, the workshop will suggest key fisheries and stock assessments to test the sense-checking process.

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International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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