Working Group entitled Towards a EURopean OBservatory of the non-indigenous calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus marinUS



WGEUROBUSWGEUROBUSTrueMarianne Wootton, Marco UttieriEPDSG

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pseudodiaptomus marinus Sato, 1913 is a calanoid copepod native to the Indo-Pacific area with a great potential for introduction and settlement in new environments. Since 2007, an ever-increasing number of reports of this species in European waters has been recorded (Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Atlantic coasts, North Sea). The ability of P. marinus to spread across different areas should be supported by specific biological, ecological and behavioural traits.

The vision of the WG is to establish a network of European scientists and institutions working on different aspects related to the biology and ecology of P. marinus. The purpose of the WG is to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaborations among the participants, both through comparative and integrative studies from different lines of research, including (but not limiting to) distribution, physiology and molecular ecology.

The mission of the WG for the upcoming three years is detailed in the ToR of the group. The WG will focus on: monitoring changes in the spatial and temporal distribution of P. marinus in European waters; identifying the traits that allow the spreading and establishment of this species; discussing commonly agreed field sampling strategies; establishing a repository of European voucher specimens for molecular analyses; investigating dormancy strategies to overcome harsh environmental conditions.

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