Social transformations knowledge repository

Social transformations knowledge repository

Social Transformations of marine social-ecological systems knowledge repository

​This repository, developed thanks to the ICES Science Fund Project "Social transformations of marine social-ecological systems", includes detailed and innovative information about the different human uses and impacts on the oceans and their drivers. It provides an open-source information resource for students, researchers, fisheries managers and representatives of the marine sectors (industrial and small-scale fisheries, aquaculture, and the canning industry).

Research on marine social-ecological systems (SES) and sustainability goes with calls for deep social change. Most research has focused on the transformations of the marine ecosystems and their ecological functions. However, it is highly unlikely to address current challenges in global marine change and sustainability without a better understanding of how social transformation happens and how it can be initiated or promoted. 

To date there has been no standardized data collection on the social transformation of SES. This database is the first attempt in this regard, standardizing the interconnected environmental, institutional, economic and financial drivers of these systems. This is to help better understand what are the social changes needed to avoid crossing tipping points and undesirable outcomes.

Data variables include paper key words, scale of the study, type of social transformation, drivers and scales of the social transformation, economic sectors affected and synergies and trade-offs identified 

How to contribute 

Contributions from those in the ICES scientific community and around the globe are welcome. To do this, a template can be used (in which include the variables to document are included). 

For more information about the project or are interested in contributing, please contact Sebastián Villasante.​

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Social transformations knowledge repository

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