Working Group on Estimation with the RDBES data model

Developing statistical estimation within the Regional Database and Estimation System (RDBES).

​​​​​​​​​​​​WGRDBESEST develops and documents R scripts and functions for statistical estimation using the RDBES data format, coordinating their peer-review and inclusion in the icesRDBES package. The group also provides feedback on aspects of the RDBES that require development and improvement in the respective data format for statistical estimates.

Their work aims to improve the commercial catch data used in ICES assessments, facilitating evaluations of bias and precision associated to those estimates.

Interested in participating?

Do you have a keen interest in estimation of commercial catches and are proficient in writing scripts and functions in R language? Or do you have good knowledge of survey sampling and estimation? Please contact us​!

Read more information on the RDBES.

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