Working Group on Offshore Renewable Energy



WGOREWGORETrueDaniel Wood, Bob RumesHAPISG

The Working Group on Offshore Renewable Energy (WGORE) coordinates the flow of science between certain working groups and its application in relation to offshore energy installations.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The group's remit includes correlating the science from groups on specialist topics such as seabirds, benthic ecology, and fish ecology and its application in planning, consenting and regulatory processes in relation to tidal (in-stream and barrage), wave and offshore wind energy.

WGORE aims to optimize the service ICES provides for applied scientific knowledge relating to management of these increasingly important and rapidly developing energy activities.

The group provides information on the state of development of marine renewable energy and identifies future issues that will require environmental assessment. It also reports on consenting procedures and assessment methods, fosters work across scientific disciplines, and improves understanding across human activities, for example interactions with fishing. ​

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