Working Group on Introductions and Transfers of Marine Organisms

The Working Group on Introduction and Transfers of Marine Organisms (WGITMO) deals with aquatic alien species that have an influence on and occur in the marine environment.


WGITMO addresses multiple research and applied issues related to bioinvasions, such as early detection and alerts to potential spread, population dynamics and distribution, ecological impacts, and risk assessments. The group keeps annual records on new invasions in ICES area and provides management advice upon request.

The expert group has global vision, and links have been established with scientists representing other research organisations such as the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM) and the North Pacific Marine Science Organisation (PICES).

The group held its first meeting in 1970 under the name of the Working Group on the Introduction of Non-Indigenous Marine Organisms, changing to its current one in 1980.​

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