Working Group on Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of the Greenland Sea



WGIEAGSWGIEAGSTrueSøren Lorenzen Post, Colin Stedmon, Jesper BojeIEASG

WGIEAGS works towards providing an ecosystem overview for the region and also identifying trends, knowledge gaps, and research priorities.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ICES Greenland Sea ecoregion encompasses both open sea and shelf waters along the Eastern coast of Greenland from Cape Farewell in the south to the northern boundary of Kong Frederiks VIII's Land in the Fram Strait. These waters are largely influenced by Atlantic waters from the southeast, Polar water exiting the Arctic via the East Greenland Current, and shelf waters modified by sea ice and Greenland ice sheet meltwater. 

The region is experiencing change as Atlantic waters extend northwards and surface waters freshen. The region supports several oceanic fisheries for widely distributed fish species. 

The group will assess the linkages between the physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic conditions and the distribution and productivity of fish stocks in the region. Members will assemble the available data, report on status and trends, providing the basis for a Greenland Sea Ecosystem Overview as well as identifying research and monitoring needs for future integrated ecosystem assessments. 

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