Working Group on the Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of Icelandic Waters




The Working Group on the Integrated Ecosystem Assessment of Icelandic Waters (WGICE) aims to progress towards an ecosystem approach to management through implementing Integrated Ecosystem Assessment for Icelandic waters.
The Icelandic waters is highly productive and rich in marine life. Marine and coastal fisheries play a significant economic and cultural role for Icelandic society. In concert with recent changing oceanic conditions, spatial distribution changes of key marine species have been observed, which can create profound knock-on effects on socioeconomics. 

The role of WGICE is to implement a functional Integrated Ecosystem Assessment framework (Levin et al. 2009) for Icelandic waters. This entails compiling a holistic overview and assessing the status of the various components of the marine ecosystem. The group of experts will compile data and evaluate the connections among the physical, chemical, biological, social, and economical components of the ecosystem. This will form the basis for composing an ecosystem and fisheries overview for this region. 
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​Photo credit: Svanhildur Egilsdóttir

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