Working Group on Integrated Assessment of the Azores

The Working Group on Integrated Assessment of the Azores (WGIAZOR) performs scientific data analysis on key natural and socioeconomic aspects for an integrated assessment of the Azorean ecosystem.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Azores is a Portuguese archipelago composed of nine islands with almost no continental shelf and several offshore seamounts. Knowledge of the multiscale dynamics of these ecosystems and their interactions in the North Atlantic macroecosystem is still limited. The areas up to 700 m depth, represent less than 1% of the total EEZ area, where most fishing activities occur. Fishing is the main economic activity in the Azorean waters. This activity provides several benefits to local communities, including cultural benefits, employment, revenue generation, and food security. However, Azorean fisheries are commonly data-deficient and the status of the stocks they exploit is rarely assessed. 

Core activities of the WGIAZOR include analyzing the relationships between physical-chemical and biological oceanographic conditions, human activities, and the distribution of exploited stocks in the region. Members have annually gathered available data, reported on status and trends, and provided the basis for an overview of the Azores ecosystem and fisheries. 

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