Working Group on Egg and Larvae and Fecundity and Atresia Database Governance

WGELFADG is a governance group established in 2023, which oversees the existing Egg and Larvae Database (ELDB) and the new Fecundity and Atresia Database (FADB), both hosted by the ICES data centre.

​​The ELDB was developed in 2011 to provide an international portal for the storage and access of ichthyoplankton survey datasets; the FADB is currently being developed, and will provide a similar portal for adult fish reproductive biological data including fecundity, batch fecundity, ovary histology, and atresia.

WGELFADG consists of members from working groups providing data to the databases (e.g. WGALES, WGSINS, WGMEGS, WGACEGG, WGBIOP), as well as members of the ICES data centre, and​ representatives from ICES Member Countries who can provide relevant expertise on ichthyoplankton, fecundity, and atresia. The aim of the governance group is to use the expertise provided by its members to:

  • Provide guidance on the technical development of both databases, such as the inclusion or refinement of parameters; improvements to the screening, uploading, and downloading processes; and suggested revisions to database vocabulary, units, and accepted ranges.
  • Ensure the data stored on both databases is easily available and accessible, as well as producing and updating guidance documents for data submitters and end users.
  • Address data governance questions, in particular those relating to data management, uploading permissions, and version control.
  • Promote the use of the databases, particularly for the storage of data used in the calculation of indices for stock assessment.

The group meets​​​​​​​ online on a quarterly basis to respond to requests from related working groups and discuss the ongoing development of the databases.


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​Photo: M.G. Mazzocchi​

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