ICES Baltic Fisheries Assessment Working Group (WGBFAS) carries out stock assessments, catch forecasts and a first draft of the ICES advice for the fish stocks in the Baltic Sea and adjacent areas ranging from Kattegat to the Gulf of Bothnia.
WGBFAS meets annually in April to assess the state of Baltic stocks. For stocks with sufficient data this leads to a forecast of catch scenarios in the next year, while with data limited stocks, other approaches are used, such as an analysis of trends in abundance estimates or catches.
The 17 fish stocks presently covered by the working group are:
- 3 cod stocks (Kattegat, western, and eastern Baltic)
- 3 herring stocks (subdivisions 25-29 and 32 (excluding Gulf of Riga), subdivisions 30-31 and subdivision 28 (Gulf of Riga))
- 2 plaice stocks (subdivisions 21-23 and subdivisions 24-32)
- Sprat stock (subdivisions 22-32)
- Sole stock in Skagerrak and Kattegat (subdivisions 20-24).
- 4 flounders stocks (subdivisions 22-23, subdivisions 24-25, subdivisions 26 and 28, and subdivisions 27 andd 29-32)
- brill stock (subdivisions 22-32)
- dab stock (subdivisions 22-32)
- turbot stock (subdivisions 22-32)
WGBFAS is, despite being one of the oldest ICES expert groups with many traditions, an innovative and dynamic group with participants from all around the Baltic area.